本校由玉山學者杜武青教授領導「工程技術與農業生技創新中心 ENABLE Center」(ENgineering in Agriculture and Biotech Leadership),結合理工專業與本校農業生技強項,推動整合型計畫,鼓勵跨界合作與前瞻研究,創造高教價值。
再者,由本校楊秋忠院士領導之跨領域研究平台「永續農業創新發展中心 IDCSA」(Innovation and Development Center of Sustainable Agriculture),跨域整合當前之尖端技術/先進設施應用於農業發展,以達循環經濟、生態平衡、經濟發展及節能減碳的目標,創造農業永續發展之新未來。
並配合國家農業與能源發展政策,新農業為「5+2產業創新計畫」重要施政項目,由本校工學院楊明德院長領導之「智慧永續新農業研究發展中心SMARTer」(Smart Sustainable New Agriculture Research and Development Center),整合全台AI與農牧研發能量,以氣候變遷農業調適、精準農業檢測、耕作管理與綠能研發落地,降低農牧生產碳排為目標,建立示範場域進行驗證,解決農牧產業重大議題。
ENABLE Center scales up the UCSD-NCHU Joint Symposium & ENABLE/IDCSA/SMARTer Annual Meeting aiming to further expand the academic exchanges with University of California, San Diego. The joint symposium will be taken turns to conduct in NCHU and UC San Diego in order to stimulate the researcher mobility and participation from both sides as well as to deepen the partnerships. We hope that UCSD-NCHU Joint Symposium will evolve into a sustainable, distinctive, cross-field academic activity that attracts international attention.